
Friday, 27 June 2014

Final Reflections "Stories from my old people and land"

Reflexiones Finales Trabajo Integrador Individual

Evaluación del camino recorrido por mi como estudiante de este Curso.

"In this class I learned about trusting my learning partners, about sharing knowledge, about constructing together, about collaborating beyond space and time limits."

I think I 've overcome my own limitations as a teacher of English: to design a virtual class on a FL.

Thank you very much to you all for leading my way over it!

Monday, 23 June 2014

Clase 6: Are you alright? need a hand? Can I help you? Just email me!

 Hello!Just to remember you that your project is due
 next Monday 7 July at 6 p.m.
                                   " if you need help you can always email me."
and if you have finished...
I invite you to play on interesting biographies!
       Remember you can always learn
                                      while having fun! 

      Interesting biographies to learn past tense while playing and having fun.
(En estas actividades te hacen preguntas difíciles sobre personajes famosos de la historia y en inglés super fácil)

Clase 5: What are you up to?


How are you today?
What are you up to?

Hope you are ok, working hard!

Hoy les dejo dos links uno sugerido por la Profesora Paula García: Stilus, que se usa antes de publicar el texto narrativo, les permite pegarlo la narración allí y corregir, si hubiera, errores de spelling o verbos .

Corrector interactivo de textos en diferentes idiomas. 

El otro link corresponde al diccionario Macmillan que les permitirá buscar palabras y hasta jugar con los verbos en pasado. 

Macmillan Dictionary     

Play and have fun with words.

Clase 4: A poem to motivate you. Why don't you write a crazy poem too?

Friday, 13 June 2014

Viernes 13...finalizando el Módulo 6



mi auto evaluación ha sido satisfactoria:

realicé una hipótesis de trabajo

la elaboré, construí, destruí, rearmé, reconstruí este trabajo, lo compartí, embebí, comenté, simulé muchísimas veces...

...espero que ahora esté mejor...
...a mi me gusta, y como a todo estudiante, me costó muchas horas. Eso es sin dudas usar las capacidades de pensamiento superior.

Aspectos positivos: logré aprender a grabar información, googlear, embeber, bajar y subir datos, por ejemplo.

TIMETOAST: History of Men in Black

Monday, 9 June 2014

SIMULANCION: palabras que elegimos

Las palabras que elegimos mi compañero y yo son:










Con mis compañeros las re-agruparé en Mindmeister.

Comments are welcomed!

REFLEXIONES- Experimentando con Eyejot

These are my second reflections on the reasons underlying the selection of these films to teach writing and culture in the writing workshop in Module 3. Hope you like it!

Sunday, 8 June 2014

History of Protest Song Writers

Mindmeister: creando en colaboración

We created a new connexion.
Create your own mind maps at MindMeister

Voxopop. Talkgroup » Did you like the trilogy Men in Black?

Talkgroup » Did you like the trilogy Men in Black?

Voicethread: comentando en diferente modos

Read and listen to my comments:

Eyejot: comentando el trabajo.

Estudiantes posibles de este Proyecto de Taller de Escritura Writing with Men in Black

En este espacio intentaré trabajar como mis estudiantes adolescentes de secundaria con un nivel de inglés A2 o B1 ya que este es el perfil de estudiantes de la escuela. Ellos tienen entre 15 y 18 años. Algunos van a institutos particulares de inglés, otros aprenden inglés solo en la escuela pública. Su mayoría se encuentran interesados en aprender esta lengua y son nativos digitales.

Un estudiante pasa entre diez y doce horas en la escuela donde trabajo. Suelen estar cansados.
1) Crear un blog personal: estoy trabajando en él.

2     2)     Usar el poster elaborado por docente para tomar sustantivos, adjetivos, adverbios o verbos que llamen MI atención:

Wordle: Untitled

Actividades sugeridas: trabajar con el póster preparado en Wordle


Primeras actividades

Cada participante debe crear su propio blog personal y linkearlo al blog del grupo de estudio para comenzar el Taller.

Observar atentamente el póster elaborado por las docentes en para tomar sustantivos, adjetivos, adverbios o verbos que llamen su atención y descubrir qué trilogía se usará para realizar este Taller.

Did you like this activity?Why?

If you like this Worshop Write with Men in Black

 your comments are welcomed! 

Wordle: Untitled
El objetivo de este póster es usarlo como disparador del Taller de escritura.
 En él se descubre el nombre de la película esta escondido.

PART ONE: Men in Black, Teachers in Blank

Trabajo integrador Módulo 6

Tarea individual


Actividad didáctica: Men in Black 3

Tema elegido por ser conocido por los adolescentes  a partir de la trilogía con ese nombre.


La actividad está destinada a adolescentes, nativos digitales, que necesitan practicar las habilidades de escritura en inglés en un taller de escritura propuesto por las docentes de inglés (Módulo 3) .

Wordle: Untitled

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Crazy Poems

Do you fancy  creating poems? Here there is a help for you to invent one!! Let's see who is the best poet writer!!


Discussion » Olá! Como te chamas?

Navigating the net....I like this resource.

I think it is ideal for  adults who need to improve their language to communicate with other native or non-native speakers of the target language. Probably, it can also be useful to find new friends on-line, if this is the case, feelings and emotions might become important to accomplish the aim: learning a language as a whole.

Discussion » Olá! Como te chamas?

What are your thoughts?


Talkgroup » Using drama techniques to teach a FL

Drama techniques are ideal for integrating language skills in a natural way, verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication, drawing upon both cognitive and affective domains, thus restoring the importance of feeling as well as thinking and using the foreign language to communicate and express oneself.

This is my talkgroup. Please, join it.

Talkgroup » Using drama techniques to teach a FL

As I always say: your comments are always welcomed here.


Flying over

This activity is good to practice writing, speaking, and listening skills. Then it is also good to: teach verbs and talking about oneself, talking about past events, talking about the future, describing things or actions, describing places and people, talking about similarities and differences, stating preferences, making suggestions and giving advice, complaining, tellin stories, dealing with moods and feelings! Good-bye for now! Please, write your comments on other ideas to teach, they are all welcomed here! Eva

Friday, 6 June 2014

TIMETOAST: a history of the history of the trilogy Men in Black

This is history!

Playing with words

We live in a web of words. Words are everywhere, here, there, even when we close our eyes at night we dream with them, in them, about them. Why? Because without them we cannot communicate fully ever our basic emotions, feelings, needs, let alone the finer distinctions in our dreams and thinkings. So I've designed this poster with Wordle to encourage a group of students to feel the words first and then improvise a dialogue between two heroes of this famous trilogy

Wordle: LORD OF THE RINGS Hope you like it! Eva

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Mixbook: jugando con fotos

Interesting Photos
Mixbook - Create Beautiful Photo Books and Scrapbooks! | Start your own Photo Books | Create custom Christmas Cards

Morning after morning...this is what being a teacher is really all about?

Today I got up with a feeling of being tired. Last night after work we had a great synchronic experience with some of my colleagues who are getting experience as virtual teachers.

In a few mintues face-to-face teaching, demanding, important, challenging, and here you find me writing this reflective blog. 

The question for us today is

What is being a teacher really about?

Remember, all your thoughts, even a word, will definetly help us to be better teachers. Your thoughts are welcomed in this blog!


Monday, 2 June 2014

Men in Black III or Teachers with a Blank Mind?


Estoy ocupada esta semana.

Debo presentar una actividad didáctica integrando recursos multimediales, la Web 2.0 y la enseñanza de inglés. 

Esto me ha dejado muchas noches sin dormir.

Finalmente decidí nombrarlo:

Write with Men in Black

Objetivos específicos didácticos: Explotar la imaginación de los estudiantes para desarrollar escritura creativa mediada por los recursos multimediales y la Web 2.0 en la clase de inglés.



Explotar la imaginación de los estudiantes para desarrollar escritura creativa mediada por los recursos multimediales y la Web 2.0 en la clase de inglés.


usar la escritura en inglés como medio de comunicación práctica entre pares intermediada por recursos multimediales y  de la Web 2.0.
producir textos orales bilingües relacionadas con el trabajo escrito para comunicarse con docentes y pares por medio de los recurso multimediales y de la Web 2.0
comprender  textos escritos y orales adecuados al nivel de producción de escritura y habla.


compartir valores, creencias, estándares de belleza, patrones de pensamiento, normas de comportamiento, estilos de comunicación con los miembros del grupo a través de la  trilogía Men in Black.


usar los recursos multimediales y de la Web 2.0 para mejorar la práctica de la escritura en inglés y oralidad bilingüe.  

Esta imagen es especialmente interesante para trabajar el subtexto cultural que la subyace.

Slideshare: Mundos Virtuales para la Enseñanza de Idiomas

A summary on a virtual experience in a second life environment carried out by three teachers of English in a virtual immersion project.

Galería FLICKR

FLICKR: galeria

After having tried a hundredth time, even with tutorials from Rafael Ballesteros, this is the best I can do. Sorry, about this.

PART TWO: Contents



Gramaticales:  tiempo pasado simple, preguntas (Wh) cerradas, pronombres objetivos, verbos modales para solicitar información.

Lexicales: gustar, creer, opinar descriptivos, adverbios de tiempo, conectores, sustantivos varios.

Funcionales: relatando eventos pasados, dando opiniones, describiendo películas, valores, gustos, dando opiniones, emociones, sentimientos.

Men in Black pone en colores y formas  mundos con  otros patrones de belleza

 y comportamiento social

 también respetables.

Virtual Worlds, Second Life, Metaverse Concepts

My personal thoughts about Second Life and learning. 

My words are based on my experience in  virtual worlds as a learner.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Is a Second Life possible for a teacher of English?


The wonderland of SL for teachers of English: Some comments on it. (Spanish language)

Today  I have explored a new teaching experience: Second Life World, and as a learner!

I definitely loved it, even got addicted to it, I guess.

Thus, is there A second life for us, teachers of English?

Then, can I replace my classroom by a second classroom, a virtual one? 

I personally tend to think this new SL "game" has many blurry limits, and these are some of many questions flooding my mind:

How can we teachers re-define our classrooms? 


How can we teachers re-adapt ourselves to this new environment? 


How can we teachers adopt SL as a learning - teaching space?

Should we, teachers, just obvserve our teaching world to see what happens?

Should we, teachers,  get involved in these new ephemeral circumstances?

Have they arrived in our classes to stay for long?


Are they ephemeral?

If you wish, your thoughts, hopes and fears are all welcomed to debate them!

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

A cuppa might help me...

I usually teach late at night, and this is what I was doing last Monday,  at around 11 pm. As usually, more than twenty eager-to-learn students were following my phonetics and phonology class.

I was occupied trying to teach them about how physical standing and speaking may affect for or against a foreign accent when speaking English, when I heard a loud, interrupting, laughing burst..... of the students had found my class so ridiculously funny that could not help making fun of me.

I just went on teaching the class, did not let him break the learning environment. However,

Should have I felt unappreciated by him? Why?

How do you feel when your experience is denied by the same learner?

Probably, a cuppa might help me today...or just a couple of lines from you...

Please, your comments are welcomed to be shared here.


Monday, 26 May 2014

Every teacher needs a blog

 "Becoming a reflective teacher"

A teaching blog is a weekly record of the events in a teacher's life that have impressed themselves most vividly on his or her consciuousness. By focusing on these events, we learn much more about our assumptions that if we just tried to list them.

Why is this important?

Because events that engage our emotions also reveal our values as teachers.

This blog is aimed to those teachers of English who feel tired and need a place to meet to positively empower each other.

I am a teacher of English, and sometimes I feel really tired; thus, I'd like a safe blank piece of "paper" to write about my feelings and emotions, hopes and dispairs.

This surely is the third or fourth attempt to make a reflecting journal, I 've always wanted to develop one, however, I am never into it, lack of time probably, but also lack of opportunities to write it.

I love my job. Do you like yours? Why?

Please, join me in this blogging exchange, help me to cheer up, I promise I'll try to cheer you up, as well!

I'd like to share this post with you.

Thanks for reading!
