24 May- 25 June 2016
The Second Congress on Teachers Researching on other Teachers´ Voices invites all English teachers trainees from the Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Nº 801 "Juana Manso" to submit abstracts to participate as speakers.
- Their own image as teachers of English
- Integrated students in the English Classroom
- Planes Fines, an explorative study on English Teaching materials
- Bilingualism in Rural Schools at The Chubut Valley
- English teaching -learning processes and TICs at Public Schools
Registration closes on 24th May 2016
Registration in NOW open: 24th May 2016
Registration is essential to participate to the Congress.
In order to confirm their participation in the program they are kindly requested to register as soon as possible to this blog.
A. Guidelines for abstract preparation1. Abstracts can only be submitted in English.
2. Abstracts cannot exceed 300 words. Letter type Verdana size 9.
3. The title should clearly identify the content of the abstract.
4. Please indicate the presenting author or authors
5. Please remember that authors’ names and affiliations must always be written in the same way.
6. The theme from among the 8 listed above should be indicated clearly.
7. The abstract should contain the following: a) Title, b) Author(s), c) Affiliation(s), d) The purpose, clearly stated (theoretical /educational) context of the presentation, e) A brief description of the participants, materials and methods used (i.e. of research, teaching or evaluation), f) A conclusion that underlines the new dimensions or unpublished results of the presentation
8. No images can be submitted.
9. Bibliography should be included and APA style respected.
B. Abstract submission
All abstracts must be submitted by the deadline 24th April 2015, midnight . All authors per submitted paper must be registered for the Conference. Abstracts for which no author has registered for the conference will not be included in the Abstracts Book.
Include language presentation preference: English, Portuguese, Spanish.
C. Conditions of Acceptance
Authors should ensure that the abstracts are written in an acceptable standard of English, be carefully edited and proofread.
The content and literary standard of submitted abstracts are the author’s responsibility and cannot be corrected after submission.
All abstracts will initially be reviewed, graded and accepted or rejected by the Teaching Committee: they reserve the right to determine whether a submission is accepted or if it has to be set in an alternative thematic session which may imply failing Investigacion IV.
C.1 Confirmation of Receipt of Abstracts
There will be sent an acknowledgement via e-mail to confirm that an abstract has been received and accepted. Notifications of acceptance will be sent up to 1st June, 2016
C.2 Publication of Abstracts
All abstracts accepted for oral and poster presentations will be published in the Conference Abstract Book. Please note that there will not be a separate book of proceedings.
Please note:
1. All abstracts must be prepared according to the guidelines provided in order to be included in the evaluation by the Teaching Committee. Once they send their Abstract they will not be able to modify it.
2. Abstracts must be submitted by the presenting author/s.
3. Submission of abstract/s implies they have read, understood and complied with the Terms and Conditions as outlined in class.
4. The invitation to submit an abstract does not constitute an offer to pay travel, accommodation or registration costs associated with the Conference. Similarly, no presenter fee is paid to authors of accepted abstracts.
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